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Are Vegan Products Automatically Halal? – A Look at the Differences and Similarities

With the growing trend towards vegan products, the question arises whether they are automatically halal as well. Many people assume that vegan products, since they contain no animal ingredients, are necessarily halal. In this post, we clarify the differences and explain why vegan products are not always halal-compliant.

Differences between vegan and halal

Animal Products vs. Forbidden Substances

While vegan products contain no animal components, halal requirements focus not only on animal products but also on other forbidden substances like alcohol. A vegan product may contain alcohol and thus would not be halal.

Manufacturing Process

The manufacturing process of halal products must comply with specific religious regulations, which are not considered for vegan products. This includes avoiding cross-contamination with non-halal substances and adhering to certain purity requirements.

Certifications and Controls

Vegan products can be labeled as vegan without specific certification, while halal products must undergo strict certification. This certification ensures that all aspects of the product, including ingredients and production methods, comply with halal regulations.

Why Vegan Products Are Not Automatically Halal

A common misconception is that vegan products are halal due to the absence of animal ingredients. However, this is not always the case:

  • Alcohol in Vegan Products: Some vegan foods, like certain sauces or desserts, may contain alcohol as a preservative or flavor enhancer, making them non-halal.

  • Cross-Contamination: Even if a product is vegan, it can come into contact with non-halal substances during production, making it unsuitable for Muslim consumers.

Halalys: Combining Vegan and Halal

At Halalys, we place great importance on ensuring our products are both vegan and halal. We carefully review every ingredient and every step in the production process to ensure no forbidden substances are used and that all our gummies meet strict halal requirements.


Vegan products are not automatically halal, as halal regulations go beyond the exclusion of animal products and include other religious requirements. At Halalys, we ensure our vegan products are also halal-compliant by adhering to strict controls and certifications. This way, our customers can be confident that they are enjoying products that meet both their ethical and religious standards.


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